02 Don Norman: Human(ity) Centred AI – Pt.1
Today, I talk to Don Norman, the godfather of User Experience. It’s a wide-ranging conversation, so I’ve split it into two parts. Part 1 focuses on Don and how the way we’ve interacted with technology has evolved over time.
If you already know lots about Don and UX, want to hear about AI, you might want to skip straight to Part 2.
That said, I thought I knew a lot about him but learned how he was there at the dawn of computing, AI and how to think about human cognition and behaviour – including his beef with B. F. Skinner, one of the godfathers of today’s Behaviour change movement.
04:32 Humanity-Centered Design
13:33 Wide-ranging career
26:45 The evolution of our interaction with machines
34:22 Smartphones
Range: How Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World, David Epstein, 2019
Kevin McCullagh is the founder of Plan, a product strategy consultancy based in London, which helps design and innovation leaders with strategic clarity. He writes and speaks on Foresight, Innovation and Leadership.
Email: kevin@plan.london
By Nico Delaney