All Episodes

Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 in total

08 Andrew Barraclough: Maximising design’s business impact

In this episode, I talk to Andrew Barraclough, who has held a number of corporate design leadership roles, as well as doing tours of duty in marketing and R&D and ran ...

07 Nick Hunn: The future of ‘Hearables’

Welcome to season two of Product Powwow.In this episode, I talk to Nick Hunn, a global expert in wireless technologies and more specifically in what he calls ‘hearable...

06 Making change happen

Today, I talk to Katherine Farnon about her pivot from Global Head of Digital Experience Strategy & Operations at Vodafone to becoming a change management consultant. ...

05 Routes out of Design's Doldrums

Today I talk to three design industry luminaries about the current state of design and potential paths forward. They’re all seasoned hands who have ridden out a few do...

04 Design leadership to Innovation consulting

Today, I talk to Christine Ruf and Sebastian Stoddart about their move from design leadership to innovation consulting.I made contact with them both while writing my a...

03 Don Norman: Human(ity) Centred AI – Pt.2

This is part 2 of my conversation with Don Norman, where we get into some of the big questions around AI.Don mentions Ben Shneiderman and Salman Khan a few times. Shne...

02 Don Norman: Human(ity) Centred AI – Pt.1

Today, I talk to Don Norman, the godfather of User Experience. It’s a wide-ranging conversation, so I’ve split it into two parts. Part 1 focuses on Don and how the way...

01 Product Powwow intro

Product Powwow is a monthly podcast where I have big-picture conversations with design and innovation leaders. KEVIN & PLANKevin McCullagh is the founder of Plan, a pr...

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