04 Design leadership to Innovation consulting

Today, I talk to Christine Ruf and Sebastian Stoddart about their move from design leadership to innovation consulting.

I made contact with them both while writing my article on the same topic, which in turn was prompted by a training programme I developed on what it takes for senior designers or design leaders to make the leap into innovation consulting.

03:37 Christine’s career path 
07:03 Sebastian's career path 
09:20 Motivations behind the shift to innovation consulting
16:43 Example consulting projects 
27:38 Old and new skills 
43:31 On the creativity of non-designers  

Designers as in-house innovation consultants (the comments are well worth a read too)

Kevin McCullagh is the founder of Plan, a product strategy consultancy based in London, which helps design and innovation leaders with strategic clarity. He writes and speaks on Foresight, Innovation and Leadership.


04 Design leadership to Innovation consulting
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