03 Don Norman: Human(ity) Centred AI – Pt.2
This is part 2 of my conversation with Don Norman, where we get into some of the big questions around AI.
Don mentions Ben Shneiderman and Salman Khan a few times. Shneiderman is a renowned computer scientist who has focused on Interface design and recently wrote a book called Human-Centered AI. Khan is best known as the founder of the Khan Academy, a free online non-profit educational platform which hosts 6,500+ video lessons teaching a wide spectrum of academic subjects.
03:18 AI agents
10:51 AI devices
16:56 Overtrust in AI
19:33 Human vs Machine strengths
26:08 Intelligent amplification
34:36 AI amplified design
38:55 Examples of HCAI
Brave New Words: How AI Will Revolutionize Education (and Why That’s a Good Thing), Salman Khan, 2024
Kevin McCullagh is the founder of Plan, a product strategy consultancy based in London, which helps design and innovation leaders with strategic clarity. He writes and speaks on Foresight, Innovation and Leadership.
Email: kevin@plan.london
By Nico Delaney